Being Part of the Community

This week our Pre-K class learnt about what it means to be part of a community and who the people are in our neighbourhood.
The class learned about various professions that help us live well, such as firefighters, police officers, farmers, teachers and many others.The students had the privilege of having a special guest, Dr. Jake Shaafsma, come to the class to talk about what it's like to be a doctor. The children learned the proper way to wash their hands and how to prevent germs from spreading, how their heart rates go up when exercising, and looked at different tools doctors use to help people. Our other special guests were two vets, Dr. Silvia Boiocchi and Dr. Nicola Galli, and Archie the dog. The children got to listen to Archie's heart, examine e-rays and see first hand different ways vets help animals. The children even had the opportunity to pretend to be vets by taking care of stuffed animals, using some equipment that real vets use! These experiences are the ones that stick in children's minds as highlights of their education. A big thank you to the doctors for taking the time to come to our class and bringing something real for the children to keep.