Global Goals

CSM has incorporated the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (or SDGs) in the curriculum to engage and encourage students to prioritise these important issues not only in school, but also in their lifestyle and behaviours. These SDGs, which were agreed upon in 2015 by world leaders, include ending poverty and addressing climate change and inequality.
Currently, our Grade 5 students are studying the goals of Quality Education and Reduced Inequalities. Mr Parkins organized a lesson with the objectives of having the students experience what it is like to be an immigrant, and to develop empathy towards those who might arrive in a country not speaking the language.
Some of the multilingual students were tasked with writing signs for services like shops, train stations, hospitals etc in their home language such as German, Filipino, Chinese, Korean, French and Kannada, and they were also only allowed to speak in their first language. The other children had to follow instructions and try and complete simple tasks like buying a loaf of bread or finding the hospital. The students really enjoyed the activity but also realised how difficult and frustrating life can be for people in that difficult position.
To learn more about the Sustainable Goals, please see the SDGS web site.
CSM is proud to be part of the Global Schools, an initiative led by the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network – Youth Initiative (SDSN Youth) in support of UNESCO’s Global Action Program on Education for Sustainable Development.