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Maple Leaf Gazette

We are pleased to present the inaugural issue of the CSM Student Newspaper. 

Letter from the Editor

In the spirit of change and growth, it is with great pleasure that we introduce you to the Maple Leaf Gazette — the newest addition to the Canadian School of Milan’s vibrant landscape. The Maple Leaf Gazette aims to be a testament to the voices that echo through our hallways, the stories that unfold within our classrooms, and the myriad of  talents that make our school community truly exceptional.  Why the Maple Leaf Gazette, you ask? Well, the answer lies in the symbolism of the maple leaf itself. Much like the diverse veins that run through this leaf, our school is a woven with threads of uniqueness, talent, and interests. The Gazette is here to celebrate those and bring them to life through the power of words and images.  Here's to a new beginning, a new chapter, and a new voice.

Happy reading! Ms Beck, Editor.

In this issue the Grade 9 students wrote a series of articles and opinion pieces on a variety of topics. 
Stay tuned for more issues!